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Text File
1,082 lines
Version 1
Copyright 1991
Swamp Creek Enterprises
P.O. Box 6056
Lynnwood WA 98036
WHAT IS CWTUTOR? ................................ 1
DISTRIBUTION OF CWTUTOR ......................... 1
INTRODUCTION .................................... 1
Navigating CWTutor ..................... 1
Two Practice Categories ................ 2
Typical Application of CWTutor ......... 2
OVERVIEW OF USER OPTIONS ........................ 3
GENERAL RECEIVING PRACTICE ...................... 3
Settings ............................... 6
Automatic Mode ......................... 6
Keyboard Mode .......................... 7
File Mode .............................. 10
Solo ................................... 11
Letter Groups .......................... 11
Choose Groups to Use ................... 12
Display Basic Groups ................... 15
Introductory Single Group .............. 15
Single Group, Random ................... 15
Multiple Groups, Random ................ 16
Words, Standard Group .................. 16
LIMITED WARRANTY ................................ 17
REFERENCES ...................................... 18
CWTutor is a program for learning and practicing the international
Morse code. Beginners can learn Morse from scratch, and those
already familiar with it can improve their receiving speed and
accuracy. CWTutor has a number of features that make it useful for
both the beginner and the experienced "brass pounder".
CWTutor is copyrighted software that is distributed as shareware.
This diskette may be freely copied and distributed (only intact,
unaltered, and free of charge other than a nominal distribution
fee) for evaluation purposes only. If you decide to use CWTutor,
you must register by completing the Register.doc form included
on the distribution diskette. You will receive your own diskette
with the latest version. You will also be notified of upgrades,
which will be available to registered users at a reduced cost.
Before describing detailed operation of CWTutor, some general
remarks are in order.
Navigating CWTutor
CWTutor has several operating "modes" that can be selected from
choices presented by a "nested" menu system. Upon program start-
up, a main menu appears from which the user selects an option. Sub-
menus will appear in turn as appropriate, from which the user may
select a desired action or "mode" of operation. In each case,
selections are made by moving the colored selection bar over the
desired choice, and pressing ENTER; the selection bar is moved
using the up and down arrow keys. An alternate method of selection
is to type the short-cut "key" letter (the one that is capitalized
in the selection description).
- 1 -
When first entering a sub-menu, or on returning to it after
completion of an action or operation, the user may either make a
further selection (as described above), or return to the previous
menu by pressing ESC. Similarly, while many user-selected
operations are in progress, one may terminate the operation and
return to the activating menu by pressing ESC. In some instances an
in-progress user input operation may need to be completed first. If
in doubt, watch the on-screen messages to determine when the
"escape-out" option is available.
Two Practice Categories
The CWTutor main menu is divided into two categories: receiving
practice and sending practice. The user may practice sending using
the ALT key on the computer keyboard; the sending hand can be
positioned as it would with a telegraph key. Sending with the ALT
key is difficult at high speeds (no gap or tension adjustments are
possible), however, so the sending mode will be most useful to a
beginner just learning code.
Typical Application of CWTutor
The user interested in learning Morse code, or improving existing
skills, may already have a preferred learning approach; CWTutor has
many operating modes, one of which probably fits the bill. Those
not already "set" on a specific approach may want to experiment
with the various features of CWTutor. Each user may choose to
follow a slightly different study program; try to develop a
learning/practice program that is comfortable, yet offers variety
and challenge.
The following suggestions may be helpful to beginners:
1.) Consider using CWTutor in conjunction with one of the good
books on learning Morse code that are available.
2.) Consider learning the code with someone else: a friend,
an associate, or even in a class.
3.) Learn the code in groups of associated characters
(letters, numbers, and punctuation). When one group is
learned, go on to the next. Practice the new group, then
practice using all the characters learned to date. Then go
on to learn a new group, etc.
4.) Practice both receiving and sending of each group in
- 2 -
5.) First learn each new group by repeated combinations of
a.) send/receive each character in the group several times
before going on to the next, and b.) Send/receive each
letter in the group once in sequence, repeating the
sequence many times.
6.) For variety, practice receiving/sending random letters,
random 5-letter code groups, random words, and plain-text
messages using the letters of the new group, then using
letters of all the groups learned to date.
7.) Start learning at low speed (say 4 words per minute),
occasionally increasing speed to "push" yourself.
8.) Whenever possible, practice with someone who already
knows Morse code; they can offer helpful suggestions and
encouragement, type in messages for CWTutor to send
("keyboard" mode), or create data files for you to
practice with later ("file" mode).
9.) Remember, practice makes perfect!
Figure 1 is a diagram illustrating CWTutor operating modes and user
options. To practice receiving, the user can select Automatic,
Keyboard, or File mode of operation. To practice sending, the user
can select Solo sending or programmed Letter Group learning.
Beginners learning Morse code in basic letter Learning Groups have
the options illustrated in Figure 2.
CWTutor's main menu offers the following receiving practice
and 4.) FILE MODE.
- 3 -
+-- Adjust Speed
|-- Adjust Tone
+--- Settings --|
| |-- Adjust "Weight"
| |
| +-- Save All Settings
| +-- Letter Learning Groups **
| |
| |-- 5-Letter Packets
|-- Automatic --|
| Mode |-- Random Letters
| |
| +-- Random Words
Receiving ---|
Practice |
| +-- Send While Typing
| |
|-- Keyboard --| +-- Send
| Mode | |
| +-- Type All First --|-- Save to File
| |
| +-- Do Both
| +-- Display File Contents
| |
+---- File ----|-- Send File
Mode |
+-- Do Both
+--- User Solo
Sending ---|
Practice |
+--- Letter Learning Group
** See Figure 2 for details
- 4 -
+-- Built-In
+--- Select Groups to Use --|-- User-Defined
| | Save
| +-- Define Groups -- to
| File?
|--- Display Selected Groups
| +-- Letters
| | Repeated
|--- Introduction to Single Group --|
| |
Letter | +-- Group
** Learning --| Repeated
Groups |
|--- Practice Single Group, Random Letters
|--- Practice Multiple Groups, Random Letters
+--- Standard Group, Random Words
(Built-in, AMECO, or ARRL Groups Only)
** Continued from Figure 1.
- 5 -
SETTINGS allows the user to select a sending speed (in words per
minute), tone (in Hertz), and weight (i.e., dashlength relative to
dot length. Beginners use 1.0 x nominal dash length). Select
SETTINGS, which brings up the settings menu. Select the parameter
to adjust. CWTutor will send a series of V's (...-) at the current
speed, tone and weight; the current parameter value will show on
the upper right screen. The user may press the up-arrow key to
increase the parameter value, the down arrow to decrease the value;
these user inputs are reflected in the V's CWTutor is sending, and
on the parameter value readout. Press the ESC key to accept the
current values and return to the settings menu. Settings for speed,
tone and weight can successively be made in this manner. These
settings will be used in all of CWTutor's sending until changed
(speed can be changed in the Settings Mode, the File Mode, or the
Keyboard Mode). The settings may be saved to a file, Settings.dat,
which will then be used as start-up values the next time CWTutor is
Automatic Mode
AUTOMATIC MODE provides receiving practice by a choice of
1.) Letter Learning Groups (for beginners), 2.) 5-Letter Packets,
3.) Random Letters or, 4.) Random Words.
The "Letter Learning Groups" choice is intended for beginners just
learning Morse code, and is discussed in a separate section below.
All other AUTOMATIC MODE choices are intended for those who already
know Morse code (i.e., those who have already completed the "Letter
Learning Groups" course) and need further practice to improve
receiving accuracy and/or speed.
In the "5-Letter Packets" choice CWTutor sends random characters
in groups of 5, each group separated from the next by a space. The
spaces give one the "feel" of separate words, but the random
characters force one to hear and interpret each one (at times one
can tell from the beginning of a word what the remainder of the
word is likely to be; this tempts one to fill in the remaining
characters rather than receive what is being sent!).
In the "Random Letters" choice CWTutor sends random characters with
no breaks.
- 6 -
In the random "Words" choice CWTutor sends words, randomly selected
from a list of over 8000 (stored in the text file Words.dat). This
words list was extracted from a huge data base compiled by Public
Brand Software (P.O. Box 51315, Indianapolis, IN 46251; 1-800-426-
DISK) and provided on their copyrighted disks Words 1, 2, and 3,
catalog numbers RD1a.3-RD1c.3.
The random "Words" choice allows receiving practice with words (of
which, after all, amateur radio transmissions will consist), but
due to the fact that many of the words are uncommon (foreign,
exotic, or just plain strange), one is encouraged to listen to all
the letters and avoid projecting word endings based on their
Keyboard Mode
KEYBOARD MODE allows sending of keyboard-entered text. The two
choices available are "Send While Typing" and "Type All First".
The KEYBOARD MODE allows others (even those not familiar with Morse
code) to send (via CWTutor) code practice in the form of random
characters, code groups, words, or plain text messages.
The "Send While Typing" choice provides real-time sending of
keyboard-entered characters. In addition to message characters
(letters of the alphabet, numbers, and some punctuation), CWTutor
also allows use of special "speed control" characters. The standard
CWTutor message characters (along with their Morse code
representations) are listed in Table 1; Table 2 lists the
special "speed control" characters. Pressing keys will result in
the following actions: A.) Table 1 characters: the corresponding
Morse code representation will be sent; B.) Table 2 characters set
the sending speed (do not forget to set it back to the baseline
setting!) and C.) Other keyboard characters will be treated as
spaces, i.e. produce a delay of 7 dot lengths.
The "Type All First" choice allows entry of a large number of
characters before Morse transmission begins. The message is
retained for re-transmission, editing, and/or can be saved to a
file. When the "save" option is selected, the message is
automatically written to the next file in the sequence TYPED1.TXT,
TYPED2.TXT, ...,TYPED*.TXT (in the default path) for future use
(via FILE MODE, discussed below). Any combination of the "message"
and "speed control" characters in Tables 1 and 2 may be used. On
exiting this option, CWTutor will reset its speed to the baseline
setting (unlike "Send While Typing").
- 7 -
Character Morse Representation
A .-
B -...
C -.-.
D -..
E .
F ..-.
G --.
H ....
I ..
J .---
K -.-
L .-..
M --
N -.
O ---
P .--.
Q --.-
R .-.
S ...
T -
U ..-
V ...-
W .--
X -..-
Y -.--
Z --..
1 .----
2 ..---
3 ...--
4 ....-
5 .....
6 -....
7 --...
8 ---..
9 ----.
0 -----
. .-.-.-
, --..--
? ..--..
/ -..-.
- 8 -
Character Speed Setting, wpm
< 3
[ 5
( 7
& 10
# 13
) 15
] 20
> 25
^ 30
+ Current + 1
* Current - 1
% Current + 5
Note: Speed control characters may be used alone,
or strung together in combinations to obtain
any speed setting (for example, both ]++ and
>*** will set the speed to 22 wpm).
- 9 -
The typed messages may consist of up to 8 lines of text, each
line having up to 75 characters each. Type each line one character
at a time; when a line is completed press ENTER to advance to the
next line. If a message consists of fewer than 8 lines, the user
must still press ENTER on each of the "unused" lines as CWTutor
presents them for possible input. After completing or passing
over (by pressing ENTER on a blank line) line 8, CWTutor will then
ask if "All OK?". Answering "N" (no) will allow the user to go back
and edit or re-enter any of the 8 lines.
File Mode
FILE MODE allows sending of text file contents; three choices are
available: "Send File", "Display File" and "Both".
If "Send File" is chosen, the user will be prompted for the path
to search. The current path is default, and may be selected by
pressing ENTER; otherwise the desired path must be entered. A
directory listing of all the files in the search path having DOS
names TYPED*.TXT is displayed; the SPACE bar toggles between two
different display modes. In either mode a file may be selected
by moving the selection bar (using arrow keys) over the file name
and pressing ENTER. A help menu, which explains how further
searching/sorting can be accomplished, is displayed by pressing
F1. Among the alternatives listed is ALT-C, which allows
one to edit the search mask (from the default TYPED*.TXT to
*.TXT, for example). Once a file is selected, CWTutor will proceed
to send its contents until an end-of-file is encountered, or until
the user presses ESC. This "send only" mode may be useful for
tests, quizzes, or challenges where display of the sent message may
encourage cheating.
If "Display File" is chosen, the contents of the selected file
will be displayed; no sending of Morse code will occur. Only 14
lines are displayed at one time, but one may scroll through the
entire file. This mode is useful for finding a file if the name has
been forgotten, or for viewing file contents after a receiving
test, quiz, or challenge is completed.
If "Both" is chosen, then the contents of the selected file will
be both displayed and sent. Only the first 14 lines will be
displayed, and no scrolling is allowed. This choice is useful when
the user can avoid looking at the contents until after the entire
message has been sent.
Files may be created and saved by a word processor or by CWTutor
(see KEYBOARD MODE, above). Files can consist of any number of
lines of text; only the first 255 characters of each line will be
sent, and only the first 78 characters of each line will be
displayed. It is recommended that line lengths be less than 79
characters (including spaces). Remember that each space and each
character not defined in Tables 1 and 2 will produce a delay of 7
dot lengths.
- 10 -
Note that on exiting "File Mode", CWTutor will reset its sending
speed to the baseline setting.
CWTutor's main menu offers the following transmitting practice
options: 1.) SOLO and 2.) LETTER GROUPS. It should be noted that
sending practice is done using the keyboard ALT key. But unlike
a telegraph key, it has no tension or gap spacing adjustments. As
a result, the CWTutor sending features will likely only be useful
to beginners sending at low speed.
The SOLO choice allows sending letters, words, or messages of the
user's own choice and at the user's own pace. Pressing the ALT key
causes a tone, releasing the ALT key causes the tone to quit. When
finished, press ESC to return to the main menu.
Letter Groups
The LETTER GROUPS choice provides programmed sending practice of
"current" (See discussion below on letter Learning Group Receiving
Practice) letter learning groups. After specifying the number of
the group which is to be practiced, the user is prompted to send
the code for each of the letters in that group in turn. CWTutor
sends a character, and the user echoes back the letter (sending
with the ALT key) trying to duplicate the sound of the code sent
by CWTutor. This is repeated several times for each letter in the
group, and the group is repeated over and over until the user
presses the ESC key.
Note that after sending a character, CWTutor will listen only a
short time for a user response before sending the character again;
however, it will not send another character as long as the user is
- 11 -
One of CWTutor's Receiving Practice AUTOMATIC MODE options is
"Letter Groups". This option is for beginners who wish to learn
Morse code from scratch.
It has always been common for beginners to learn Morse in groups of
associated letters, and there are several sets of such groups in
common usage. Claims and counter-claims have been made that certain
Groupings are easier to learn with than others; but the fact is
that people manage to learn Morse using almost any of them. The
learning groups people use are often selected because they were
1.) whatever groups appear in the book they were able to find at
the bookstore, or 2.) whatever groups are being used in the class
they are taking. CWTutor was designed to accomodate whatever
learning groups the user elects to use, and to provide a variety
of practice "modes" using them.
If "Letter Groups" is selected, then the following options are
available: "Choose Groups to Use" (includes option for user-
definition of learning groups), "Display Basic Groups",
"Introductory Single Group", "Single Group, Random", "Multiple
Groups, Random", and "Words, Standard Group".
Choose Groups to Use
The user can elect to use the learning groups built into CWTutor
by default. These groups, shown in Tables 3 and 4, are based on
English language plain-text letter frequencies; the most frequently
used letters are learned first, and so on. The idea is to maximize
the number of word and plain-text practice possibilities early in
the lessons.
The user may elect to define any learning groups desired (using
CWTutor-allowed characters, shown in Table 1.) instead. These
user-defined groups can come from anywhere, but most likely will be
based on those in a book on learning Morse code. We recommend
Reference 1, published by the Ameco Publishing Corporation, and
Reference 2, published by the American Radio Relay League (ARRL).
If using the built-in groups, no user action is required to select
them. If using the Ameco, ARRL, or other user-defined groups, one
must first enter the groups into CWTutor, and save them to a
permanent disk file (Groups.dat) for later use. Then, before each
practice session, one must instruct CWTutor that "user-defined"
groups are to be used.
- 12 -
<=== more less ===>
[ 1 ][ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4 ][5 ] <---- Groups
Group 1: E I T A O
Group 2: S H N D R L
Group 3: U F C M G P
Group 4: K Y B V W
Group 5: J X Z Q
Group 6: 1 2 3 4 5
Group 7: 6 7 8 9 0
Group 8: . ? , /
- 13 -
Define Groups
User groups are defined by selecting AUTOMATIC MODE from the
main menu, then "Letter Groups", "Choose Groups to Use", and
"Define Groups" from the sub-menus. The user may then input the
desired groups; up to 8 groups of up to 8 characters each are
allowed (DO NOT use spaces between the characters). CWTutor then
asks if the user would like to "repeat"; a "Y" (yes) answer
allows the user to go back and edit or re-enter any or all of the
groups. When finished editing, ENTER accepts the group as it
appears. After the groups are all entered correctly (using Table 1
characters), answer "N" (no) to "repeat?". CWTutor then asks if
the user would like to "Keep?" these groups in memory for further
use; if the user responds "Y" (yes), then CWTutor asks if these
groups should also be saved to a file. Respond "Y" (yes) to save
these groups to the file Groups.dat for later use.
After user-defined groups have been saved to the file Groups.dat,
it will not be necessary to re-enter the groups for each practice
session. Merely select AUTOMATIC MODE from the main menu, then
"Letter Groups", "Choose Groups to Use" and "User-Defined" from
the sub-menus. CWTutor will read the groups from Groups.dat, and
define them as the "current" groups.
The built-in groups are "current" at program start-up by default.
Selecting "User-Defined", as discussed above, makes the user groups
"current". Having selected "User-Groups", one may (for whatever
reason) wish to again make the built-in groups "current". This is
done by by selecting AUTOMATIC MODE from the main menu, then
"Choose Groups to Use" and "Built-in" from the sub-menus. These
changes in "current" groups can be verified by displaying the
"current" groups.
- 14 -
Display Basic Groups
All charcters in all the "current" learning groups can be displayed
on the screen simultaneously. This is done to verify correct
selection of the desired "current" groups, to remind the user of
the group number to be learned next, or etc. After selecting
AUTOMATIC MODE from the main menu, select "Letter Groups", and then
"Display Basic Groups" from the sub-menus.
Introductory Single Group
As stated above, a beginner will normally learn Morse code in
groups of associated characters, assimilating one group at a time
until all the groups are learned. A group is learned by learning
all the characters in the group. To study a single learning group,
select AUTOMATIC MODE from the main menu, select "Letter Groups",
and then "Introductory Single Group" from the sub-menus. The user
is then presented another sub-menu, from which options of
"Letters Repeated" and "Group Repeated" are presented. A new group
should be started by selecting "Letters Repeated". Later, after
some familiarity with the group is gained, the user will wish to go
back and select "Group Repeated" for practice variety.
If "Letters Repeated" is selected then all characters in the group
are first displayed on the screen. CWTutor will then proceed to
send each letter in the group 6 times: an arrow will point to the
character being sent. Concentrate on the sound, and write the
letter down. This will be repeated for each character in the group;
then, after completing the last character in the group, CWTutor
will return to the first character. This will be repeated over and
over until the user presses ESC.
Single Group, Random
The letter group introductory lessons send characters in the same
order each time. After completing the basic introductory lessons
(as above) for characters in a learning group, the user should also
practice these charcters in random order. This option is exercised
by selecting AUTOMATIC MODE from the main menu, then "Learning
Groups" and "Single Group, Random" from the sub-menus. The user is
prompted for the group number; CWTutor then sends characters from
that group in random order, continuing until the user presses ESC.
- 15 -
Multiple Groups, Random
After learning 2 or more letter groups (i.e., after completing the
introductory lessons for 2 or more groups, and after practicing
each individual group in random order) the user should also
practice receiving all the characters learned to date, all mixed
together in random order. This option is exercised by selecting
AUTOMATIC MODE from the main menu, then "Learning Groups" and
"Multiple Groups, Random" from the sub-menus. The user is prompted
for the group number most recently learned; CWTutor then sends
characters from all the groups learned to date, in random order,
continuing until the user presses ESC.
Words, Standard Group
If using a standard learning group (either built-in, AMECO, or
ARRL; see references 1 and 2) the user can elect to practice
receiving random words comprised only of letters in groups learned
to date. This option is exercised by selecting AUTOMATIC MODE
from the main menu, then "Learning Groups" and "Words, Standard
Group" from the sub-menus. The user is prompted for the
standard used (built-in, ARRL, or AMECO), and the group number
most recently learned containing letters of the alphabet (1 to 5;
other groups contain numbers, punctuation, etc., which are not
parts of words). CWTutor then sends, and displays on screen, a set
of 42 randomly chosen words. The user should write down the words
as CWTutor sends them, without looking at the screen. When the set
has been completed, the user-copied words can be compared to those
on the screen.
- 16 -
CWTutor is distributed as shareware. Those who decide that CWTutor
meets their needs and wish to continue to use it must register.
Registered CWTutor users will receive their own 5-1/4" 360-kB
program diskette with the latest version, and a Certificate of
Registration. Each Registration licenses installation of CWTutor
on one computer only; however, backup copies for archival purposes
are allowed and encouraged. The program diskette is warranted for
a period of 45 days after Registration. In the event of
notification of defects within the warranty period, the only
responsibility of Swamp Creek Enterprises, its owners, officers,
employees and associates will be to provide to the Registered user
a replacement for the defective diskette. Diskette failure due to
accident, abuse, or misapplication is not covered by this warranty.
Swamp Creek Enterprises specifically disclaims all other
warranties, express or implied. Swamp Creek Enterprises, its
owners, officers, employees, associates, and distributors, shall
not be responsible for any damages, including but not limited to
direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, loss of use, loss of
profit, or any other damage claims.
No warranty as to merchantability or fitness for any particular use
is made. The entire risk as to result and performance of CWTutor
is assumed by the user.
- 17 -
1.) Martin Schwartz, "Mastering the Morse Code", Ameco Publishing
Corporation, 220 East Jericho Turnpike, Mineola, NY 11501.
2.) L. Peter Carron, Jr., "Morse Code: The Essential Language",
American Radio Relay League, 225 Main Street, Newington,
CT 06111.
- 18 -